The Devon Dirt
The Devon Dirt is an annual off road endurance bike event, with a mixture of off road tracks and country lanes, usually between 55Km and 70Km. It's organised by CTC Devon in association with the Bigpeaks Bike Shop in Ashburton. It's a non-competitive challenge - i.e. we want everybody to get round the course in their own time safety, and enjoy a great day off road in Devon.
Next year the Devon Dirt will be held on 8th April 2018.
The event will start at 9.30!
The organisers offer limited support to help you get around the course, we provide feeding stations, usually with cold drinks and cakes along the route, and Bigpeaks will supply a mechanic in case you have a breakdown. You should however be self sufficient in terms of food and basic repairs, and it's a good idea to ride with a small group or a friend if possible.
Finishers get one of our famous and cool T-shirts (paid for by your entry fee), together with a certificate, and you can keep your entry number board.
Order your tickets at -
The 2018 event is going to be the best yet, great route in two seperate loops, 500 riders, loads of cake, catering at start and finish, mass start at Bigpeaks. We really hope to see familiar faces and we will encourage those from further afield (e.g. Cambridge, London, Yorkshire, South Wales, Home Counties, Oxford) to join us again this year.
As per usual there will be photographers, stewards and helpers out on the route hoping to catch you out a 'fords', to dish out cake and mend your bike too! There will also be some comedy 'spot prices' too.
We are also hoping that the event trade show will be well attended again this year - There is lots for everyone to enjoy!
Special Devon Dirt Offer
All Devon Dirt 2018 riders will receive 10% OFF Parts and Accessories to get your Bike 'Devon Dirt Ready'! On top of that, the labour Cost for a normal bike service will be £20 OFF! (normal price: £40).
Offers stand up until the Devon Dirt 2018 Event! Show your Devon Dirt Entry when making a purchase in the Bigpeaks Bike Shop to apply for these offers.
Apply Information:
Devon Dirt uses PayPal to receive your entry fee. If you have a PayPal account you can use it to make your payment, if not you can use any credit or debit card via this PayPal portal.
Your entry fee includes a free Devon Dirt T-shirt In the entry process you will also need to enter details of an emergency contact who is available on the day of the event (8th April)
Your payment receipt will be shown as "Good Cycling" (this is the event organiser's - Graham Brodie's PayPal account).
Route maps and event information will be sent via email and linked via the website. There will be some great offers posted before the event on this website and via our Facebook page. There will also be some gentle hints and reminders posted too. Please note that by entering this event online you are agreeing to the CTC's terms and conditions: See disclaimer below.
DISCLAIMER by entering the event I agree that I understand and will abide by the terms and conditions required by the CTC for the safe participation in this activity and to act responsibly and adhere to the rules of the road and countryside. Marshals, if they are used, are solely to indicate the direction and it is my responsibility to ensure that the manoeuvre is carried out safely. I hereby maintain that I am fit and healthy enough to participate in this activity and my cycle is in a safe, legal and rideable condition. I also accept that the CTC cannot be held responsible for any personal injury, accident, loss, damage or public liability during this event. By entering using the method below you are confirming that you are over 18 and that you agree this.

Check out the past routes!
Devon Dirt 2017 from Skyflicks on Vimeo.
Event HQ is here at Bigpeaks Bikeshop in Ashburton, located just off the A38 in front of the Cookery School on Linhay Business Park. Toilets, mechanics, and refreshments available here. Take the Eastern exit for Ashburton off of the A38. Visit the contact page for contact details and a map of how to find us.
Parking: There is a carpark outside BigPeaks but there is limited space, there is another car park nearby at Glendinnings. Any overflow parking will have to be in the town centre.
Control points will be posted along with the 2017 route soon!
Event Contact Number: 07889964101